Originally from Massachusetts, Preston attended St John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. With his wife Anya, he relocated to Berkeley, her hometown. In 1975 they moved to the Rockridge with their family where they continue to reside today. In 1991 their home burned in the Oakland-Berkeley Fire. In the following years Preston worked with a non-profit organization dedicated to the advocacy of consumer insurance issues. As group leader for 50 families Preston encouraged research and discussion that would lead to equitable settlements. Those experiences instilled in him a continuing commitment to the community where he continues to serve on two non-profit boards.
Preston has worked in real estate since 2003. Before his career in real estate he sold information technology solutions to Fortune 1000 companies and to internet startups. For many years he also worked as a contractor in the East Bay providing him with valuable knowledge about the nuts and bolts of the homes in the community.
As an agent Preston believes that his strong interpersonal skills, analytical thinking, resourcefulness, careful attention to detail, and most of all, follow through, are the keys to successful sales.